範例 :: Python Debugger
非侵入式的設定中斷點的偵錯方式 (以範例 :: Playground為基礎)
Expand 'sys.path' by adding environment variable 'PYTHONPATH'
export PYTHONPATH=mysite
Create a '.pdbrc' file in the same directory where manage.py resides.
# .pdbrc
b manage:10
Start development server
python -m pdb manage.py runserver
By default pdb will stop at the first statement:
Breakpoint 1 at /private/tmp/django-project/manage.py:10
> /private/tmp/django-project/manage.py(2)<module>()
-> import os
Press 'c', which is a pdb command
Now pdb will stop at the line #10 of the file manage.py:
> /private/tmp/django-project/manage.py(10)<module>()
-> execute_from_command_line(sys.argv)
Press 'c', which is a pdb command
You'd like to include Python scripts into my .pdbrc, but only pdb commands are allowed there.
Use execfile() to run a file containing your Python code. See detail
"import pdb; pdb.Pdb(skip=['django.*']).set_trace()"